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  • Writer's pictureabdul wahid


By Abdul Wahid Saleem

Get High. Escape reality. Experience happiness. Forget sadness. It's not drugs. It's music and it does not affect your health. Turn music into drugs.

Why do you do drugs? To get high? To uplift your mood? To get over the mourning? The reasons are many depending on the person. There is the thing I don’t know about the people who do drugs for the case of drugs, they are on another planet.

Let me break down the reasons and add similarities between drugs and music. For those who use drugs to get high; don't move your head when you hear good music, that’s how you get high with music. Pump up the beat and let the head do the dancing. Both music and drugs get you high in the head, one hits you outside the head and the other from within.

Second, for those who use drugs to escape reality; just plug in your earphones in a busy crowded place and escape the reality. Feel the music and create your own imaginative world. Be the hero in your world.

Third, for those who have mood swings; go to your room, close the doors, put some music on the speakers and dance your heart out. Not only will this lift your mood but you could pick up new dance steps to impress a girl in the club next time.

Fourth, for those who have a hangout with friends; Gather everyone and put on a song that will bring out the nostalgia in everyone. Don’t mind the guys who sing along with it. Just indulge in the music and talk to one another. Bet you will find some secret about your old crush.

There are many points to note but the core thing is that music helps you a lot. Keep calm and listen to music but not while you are with your girlfriend.

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