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The curious case of ‘Almirah’

By Abdul Wahid Saleem

The world is a huge place consisting of both living and nonliving organisms. Living beings are further classified according to their shape, structure, genes etc. We belong to the ‘homo sapiens’ species. Unlike other species, humans are the only one who has so many sub classifications. These classifications range from the color of the skin to the language we speak, the religion we follow to the sub religions we follow in each religion. The core reason for such a tantamount number of classifications in humans is because of our ability of self-consciousness.

Almirah comes from the word ‘almari’ in Hindi that means wardrobe. Recently, one of my friend’s almirahs was opened after a long time. I took a peek curiously to see the inside of the wardrobe that I have been passing by everyday for the last two months. I noticed the stark similarity in the ordering of things he had kept in his wardrobe with that of mine. A new way of classifying people on the basis of their almirah struck me. When I looked around other almirahs of my other friends, I noticed the similarity in the arrangement of things in their almirah with their character.

Some of the unique characteristics I observed are, if the almirah is locked and the key is not there, it means that the person is either insecure or he has something of great value inside it. If the almirah is locked but the key is still intact means that the person is comfortable with the people around but still he still requires your permission to use any of his things. If the almirah is closed but not locked means the almirah is either shared or it means the person is comfortable with people around him using his stuff. If the almirah is always open it means it is an open book for all, even to insects. Mine is the second case.

Based on the arrangement of clothes. If the clothes are folded means the person is organized and if it is not folded means the person is not organized.

People who keep things on top of the almirah denote that he is a sharing person, and those who don’t are not willing to share his things. Things that are kept on top of the almirah denote that everyone can use it; provided you don’t overuse it then it may go inside the almirah.

How an almirah is kept in a room provides the comfort level of a person. So next time you share your room with someone read their almirah psychology to know about him.

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